I’m featured on What She Does
This is a cool project — a blog, soon to be a book — that explores how work and life intertwine for women. Edited by Sharon Barr with pictures by Sharon Schuur, the project illuminates the sacrifices women make for family and career. Being a Mom, providing for and caring for my child, have had…
I wrote about zoning… but it’s actually really interesting!
I interviewed Sara Bronin, the founder of Desegregate CT, an organization that hopes to tackle the state’s affordable housing crisis through reform of land use laws. Check out my essay for Common Edge here.
Three of my drawings are featured in Loud Coffee Press
Loud Coffee Press is a literary magazine devoted to music and coffee. I love both of those things, so I submitted some drawings, and they are in this month’s issue! You can check it out here.
This was a ride, lmfao
An editor I like reached out for pitches about politics, and it was the 22nd of the month, when I do often find that I need a couple hundred bucks, and what the hell, I’d gotten wind that there might be some Libertarians in the bushes ’round here, so I beat the bushes a little….
I wrote about Bridget Romey for Newsweek
Check it out here: https://www.newsweek.com/teenage-rancher-saved-her-horses-life-together-they-became-champions-1521788
Interview with Zaria Forman!
Click here to read an interview I did with the artist and environmentalist Zaria Forman. And if you haven’t already, check out her Ted Talk about climate chang