An editor I like reached out for pitches about politics, and it was the 22nd of the month, when I do often find that I need a couple hundred bucks, and what the hell, I’d gotten wind that there might be some Libertarians in the bushes ’round here, so I beat the bushes a little. And lo and behold, this story appeared. Then, I lost a work day to group texts about it, including some pretty nasty ones from a young woman I’d considered a friend. Unrelated: now I’m working on an essay about the C-word for another publication.
Friends — we gotta bring politics back from the edge. Stop being such ghouls about everything, be kind to one another.
To give you an idea of how much it stressed me out, well I was never in any danger of losing my job, ’cause I’m a freelancer. But I did watch the BTS UN speech and the BTS graduation speech about seven times more often than I do in a normal week.