MEET AN ANIMAL: A teenage rancher saved her horse’s life. Together, they became champions.

Featured In
Winning a rodeo event in cowboy country is a big deal if you’re a ranch horse. Doing it less than a year after a razor-wire fence sliced one of your front legs to the bone is a tearful Hollywood comeback. His name is Rocky. He’s Bridget Romey’s horse. He stands about 5 feet tall from the ground to the shoulder and he weighs nearly 1,200 pounds. He’s a 15-year-old barrel racing champion.
Featured Work
What Boxing Taught Me About Love
I was 32 and living in Washington Heights the year I should have fallen in love. Something else happened instead: A man tried to rape me on my way home from work. It was mid-October, and I was walking in a park near the George Washington...
The Music Gear That Lashes Down A 26-Min...
Fourteen songs. Twenty-six minutes. That’s the set that Neon Christ is rehearsing for their Record Store Day reunion show.
Greenwich Hand Surgeon Designs New Wrist...
Dr. Wolfe, a Greenwich resident, is chief emeritus of Hand and Upper Extremity Service at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) in New York.